Sunday, November 13, 2022

The Diffusion of Innovations - Instagram


The Diffusion of Innovations

                           October 6, 2010. A date that will forever go down in history. This day will be forever remembered in the world of social media. 22 years later and the platform is booming better than ever. Kevin Systrom is the main man behind the creation of this app. Kevin expanded on his ideas and produced Instagram, with the help of his Stanford classmate Mike Krieger. The rough draft on Instagram was called Burbn. This was because of Kevins love for whiskey and bourbon. 

The real "a-ha" moment came to Kevin while on the beach with his now wife, Nicole, in Mexico. Nicole was frustrated that her pictures did not look as good as one of Kevins friends. Mr. Systrom explained that Greg had photo editing apps and that's why they had filters on them. Nicole advised Kevin that they should have editing abilities on the new app. X-Pro II is still on Instagram today. Kevin and Mike wanted to create a photo sharing platform. Throughout a couple months Instagram amassed over a million users heading into December. People fell in love with how easy it was to share their favorite pictures and share with their friends around the world. No contact needed, only a follow!

This invention changed the way we communicate, market, and so much more. Users are able to correspond with each other via dm or even in the comments of a post. Businesses are able to post ads about recent drops or news and so much more. It is rare to see a business or corporation without social media platforms nowadays. If you are not a user of social media platforms in this day in age it is very odd. Your page is your brand. You are able to create a business for yourself on your page, and connect with so many other people. You are even able to purchase clothing from your favorite brands or keep in touch with your favorite different creators. But does this app full of unlimited opportunities have any negative impact on its users?

The main demographic of instagram users   are ages 18-34. Some Instagram users are constantly impacted by the beauty standard Instagram users set. "Compare and Despair" is what Dr. Ruth Gursen explains as the impact photo apps make with pictures of perfect bodies. Instagrams influence may be impacting depression, anxiety, and even suicide rates in young girls. This brings up a conversation about social comparison and social media pressures within society. Some Instagram "influencers" set a ridiculous beauty boundary with edited posts and filters. These viewers then compare themselves to the 5 star photoshoots and perfect bodies they see in their feed. Influencers boast their "perfect" lives to their thousands of followers daily. Are the followers even real? Is their lifestyle real? Much of it is just a facade to look lavish on the feed. Creators have been exposed in the past for scamming their viewers for financial gain as well. You are able to create connections and opportunities through Instagram, but at what point is it too much?

What I Learned EOTO



            All technologies from different eras have impacted lives around the world in different ways. In these presentations I learned most about; WorldWideWeb, the Newspaper, Carrier Pigeons, the Typewriter, and E-mail. These new forms of technology and communication have influenced countless communities and families far and wide. 

            Although hearing about the WorldWideWeb for years and having a vague idea of what it is, I was able to gain a little more intel and explanation on what it truly is. I always thought of it as the first "google" and search engine for computers. As well as being the first HTML/WYSIWYG editor it was the first web browser and web page editor. You became able to share data between two computers and enabled a more advanced way of pocket switching. 

            The newspaper was truly one of a kind. It started in Rome on slabs, given to the citizens and people of Rome to learn about news and other events. This idea was also created by the great Roman Julius Caesar. The first one ever created was called the Acta Diurna. Our newspaper today is very similar to the first slab copy in Rome. 


             I find the delivery with carrier pigeons to be such a fascinating operating system. These pigeons were literally trained to deliver mail to different houses and trained to come home. They were selectively bred for their ability to find its way home over extremely long distances. These birds are trained for six months to do their civil duty to society, delivering right to your door! Due to the advancement of several different ways of transportation, the carrier pigeon operating system was terminated.

            The typewriter became the tool for practically all writing other than personal handwritten correspondence. Typewriters are often seen in old shows and movies, but were a pinnacle part of real life at one point. Instead of google docs, or even better, BLOGGER, the typewriter was the way to write. QWERTY was the keyboard design so the typewriter wouldn't jam. Then you notice that QWERTY are all keys next to each other on your computer or device. 

E-Mail was a HUGE invention. Ray Tomlinson, the creator of this product introduced the @ symbol, which allowed messages to be sent to certain users on certain machines. When you @ someone in an email it only goes to that person, or a group of people. The creation of E-Mail is still currently a huge contribution to society and makes an impact each day. 

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Instagram's Impact Throughout The Years


              It did not take long for Instagram to make its mark in social media history. Instagram gained staggering momentum within a few short months. this quickly growing photo and video application only took 8 weeks for software engineers to create an absolute masterpiece that was released in 2010. Although it changed to Instagram in October of 2012, the prototype was first named "Burbn", after Kevin Systroms love for whiskey and bourbons. Not long after the name change Instagram launched on October 6 2012, racking up 25,000 users in one day. This all wouldn't have been possible without two venture capitalists from Andreessen Horowitz and Baseline Ventures. Kevin showed these gentlemen the prototype, which ultimately led to meeting for coffee to discuss further. Systrom quit his job to focus on his idea, eventually gaining 500,000$ in seed funding from both companies. After this huge financial win Kevin added a player to his roster, another Stanford graduate, Mike Krieger. These two researched other apps and their features, wanting Instagram to be easily sharable with filters and other capabilities. They wanted it to be an easy app with as few actions as possible from the user. The combined brainpower between Mike and Kevin was an unstoppable force for the future. The purpose of Instagram was to feature photographs, specifically taken on phones and mobile devices, which made it unique unlike other social platforms.

                Instagram is on track to reach 2.5 billion users by 2025, making an impact around the world. From posting a picture of your dinner using hashtags to creating brands and business to an egg being the most liked video on Instagram, it has truly changed our lives. It most definitely makes an impact on the younger generation, with young adults using social media for an estimated two hours each day.The times of waking up early to see your school cancelled on a snow day are over, and no one saw it coming. Wether it's checking TikTok for the latest weather updates or checking your weather app to see, the era of technology has taken us for a turn. The storm of social media has completely taken over generations of all ages, with most users in the 18-34 range. Instagram has become an easy way to send in job applications and find work in your area. Despite user guidelines, 5% of U.S. children under the age of 11 use Instagram. That is absurd. At 11 I was more worried about where my next chicken finger was coming from. 

                Social media is a powerful tool that can be used for bringing communities together and create change, but does it change your mental health?  In fact, 8 in 10 girls say they compare the way they look to other people on social media, and 50% say that unrealistic filters and beauty content is blemishing their self-esteem. What about the blue check? Once you get the blue verification checkmark on your socials you are confirmed to have authentic presence and a public figure to your audience. This will bring in some audience to follow you on your creative journey.              

You can connect with someone across the world in a matter of seconds. No matter the distance, you are able to connect and reach out to whomever you please. Instagram has opened the gates of success for different brands across the globe. You might see a story ad or even an add in your feed while you scroll. 58% of users say they are more interested in the brand after seeing it in a story. 50% of those users say after they see the add they visit the website and purchase an item. Instagram helps you discover new brands, and create lifelong partnerships with users around the globe. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Anti-war Voices


                Nowadays all that's on the news are talks about war. Wether it's War against Russia, Ukraines fight against Russia, or even potential feuds going on right now that could be detrimental for our countries future. All of this war talk, but no anti-war discussions. Besides being given two different sites that support anti-war views I was not even aware these sites existed. These sites are read by libertarians, pacifists, leftists, "greens" and independents alike. is devoted to the cause of non-interventionism and reveal the truth, getting past social media filters. Many channels of mainstream views lack the ability to give the people news that could impact their views or even their vote when it is election time.  Even though some news sources are biased, is it right to not let the public know about news that is very important? 

It is a possibility that we do not see this content because they want to make us believe that war is the only option. Wars are able to bring economic growth, technological advancements, and victory. Some benefits are greater law and order, more democracy, social benefits, or advances in medicine and science. You see these "benefits", but seems like half of them benefit the government and higher power... 

Is this mainstream media really reliable news? The biased news we see on TV tends to make means more dramatic. In this day and age people will believe anything they see. They are sheep and they are naive. People will follow a herd with no evidence of what they are even following to be true. Everyday false news is spread on social media to make a headline, to cause drama, to stir up the pot. Websites like Anti-War and The American Conservative provide the other side of the story, or the side you do not even see. The government censors the anti-war stories because they love war. They do not want a bad image so they do not discuss these anti-war sites or discussions. One day these voices will be heard and the truth will be shown. 

Friday, November 4, 2022

History of the Supreme Court


After thoroughly reading the history of the Supreme Court on the History channels website, I realized there were many things I truly did not know about our governments past. Established by the U.S. Constitution, the Supreme Court has the ultimate jurisdiction over all laws within the United States and is probably the most historical system in our nation. I was unaware that the Supreme Court was signed into law by George Washington, the President at the time. He made clear that the court would be made up of six justices who would serve on this court until they died or retired. Now these justices are not just any random people that would like the job. The Supreme Court's justices are nominated by the President of the United States and confirmed (or denied) by the U.S. Senate. The number of justices of the Supreme Court changed six times before settling at the present total of nine in 1869. Since the formation of the Court in 1790, there have been 17 Chief Justices, 104 Associate Justices, with Justices serving with an average of 16 years. At some points reading I had flashbacks to the infamous eighth grade field trips to Washington D.C. many kids look forward to during their middle school years. I remembered that the Supreme Court has ALL power to override the other two branches of government to make ultimate decisions. The Supreme Court oversees laws and actions made by the other two systems, Executive and Legislative. I think that it is important to note that these nine Justices have the responsibility for all countries laws. It might make you think, is there ever truly a right or wrong answer? Some of these cases the Justices handle can divide a country, as we've seen with Roe v. Wade. The conflict between both parties has started an uproar throughout our country. The most surprising thing I have learned is rethinking to concept that these nine justices in court have the most power throughout the government, making the ultimate decisions on how we live life today. Learning more about the chief justice is an important takeaway for me, realizing how important their job may be without getting much recognition. Wether it might be scheduling meetings, writing the court's opinion,  or presiding over trials of impeachment against the President of the United States, the chief justices responsibility does not go unnoticed.  There are many new findings and recollections throughout reading this article, finally understanding the importance and power of our Supreme Court.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Eight Values of Free Expression


        The eight values of expression have made an impact in our daily lives. These values are; Marketplace of Ideas, Participation in Self-Government, Stable Change, Individual Self-Fulfillment, Check on Governmental Power, Promote Tolerance, Promote Innovation, and Protect Dissent. Throughout our everyday lives we are constantly expressing speech in different ways. Wether it's what we say, what we "repost", or even what we wear. Although these values are all different, they all work together to create free speech for each citizen. 

1. Marketplace of Ideas: This concept explains different beliefs and ideas can freely compete with one another in a public conversation without being censored by the government.  This is freedom of expression.

2. Participation in Self-Government: This is a perfect example with political debates. It motivates candidates to communicate. These debates are important for people to see who they are potentially voting for. These debates are filled with heated arguments and in depth questions to the candidates to make sure they are the right fit to lead as President.

3. Stable Change: If society, or a group of people, could speak their mind or vent, would we be a more stable community? Stable Change suggests that if people vent or protest it will be a better outcome than choosing violence. This will also help the government monitor potential groups that would cause harm. 


4. Individual Self-Fulfillment: Self-fulfillment is realizing of one's deepest desires and capacities. This is an ongoing journey for an individual, ultimately hoping  to achieve life goals. Free speech helps create peoples identity in a way, and find more people like them. Freedom of Speech can lead to self-actualization, truly realizing the person you've become. The things you say and do make you who you are, and the people you surround yourself with are pinnacle to your success.

5. Check on Governmental Power: As we learned on the History Channel, the  Legislative branch can check the Judicial branch by impeaching judges and check the Presidential branch by impeaching the President. This could happen when the President or government officials abuse their power. Government agencies such as the FBI and Department of Defense have conducted their own spying on law-abiding Americans. Peaceful groups such as Quakers, Greenpeace, the Arab American Anti-Defamation Committee have been spied on. 

6. Promote Tolerance: Is a more tolerant society a better society? Promoting tolerance is accepting, even if you do not support it or care for it. It has been argued that you may become more tolerant in other aspects of life seeing comments or actions that are unpleasing or vexed. It is fascinating what makes you, YOU. 

7. Promote Innovation: I feel that people can create great things together. You may have great ideas alone, but what about discussing those ideas with one other person and expanding? Maybe hear their ideas? I wish our global leaders could come together and create something great. I understand that that may never happen based on our current situations and our future, but with minds coming together at that stature I feel like it could create opportunities we've never had. Promoting Innovation and Free Speech resonate with me the most. I try to surround myself with like-minded individuals and want to build an empire.

8. Protect Dissent: You have a strong right to disagree with the government, or anyone in fact! The First Amendment protects minority views no matter how unpopular.  You have the ability to disagree with whatever you would like, criticize the government all you'd like. This aligns with free speech and you are entitled to your own opinion. 


Top 5 News Sources


            When looking for the newest highlights of your favorite sports team or even Hollywood updates, there are many different news sources to choose from. In this day and age the latest news and drama can be found at your fingertips. It may be much easier to find news on your tech devices than purchasing a newspaper or magazine! With that being said, here are my top five sources of news.

1. Instagram

            I feel that Instagram has become the new news hub for Gen Z and even older generations as well. It has become a platform to connect between people all over the world. Even the Wall Street Journal has an instagram account! You can keep in touch with your favorite team, favorite Netflix show, or even your favorite actor! Big news outlets such as Inside Edition, TMZ, Fox News, and others keep their viewers updated with the latest new story. Different accounts can keep their audience up to date with stories and posts.

2. Daily Mail/Snapchat

2. At about 9 o'clock every morning Daily Mail drops their new stories on the Snapchat "explore page", or where you can find stations you've subscribed too. After responding to friends
I check Daily Mail every day, as it gives news within Hollywood, sports, politics, and so much more. You are able to slide up on the screen to see more of the story. They give in depth detail about the news, and there are many different news slides so you will be caught up with everything happening in the world. 


            ESPN has been been apart of my life as long as I can remember. Waking up early on mornings to watch Top 10, or see what crazy hail mary Aaron Rodgers threw on the last play of the game, it has been my go to sports specific news source. They have great interviews with athletes from all sports with many different backgrounds. Not only is ESPN great for highlights, you can watch sports live on the channel, or even on your mobile devices when you're not home.

4. TikTok

            Now this may seem like a little bit of a stretch for a news source, but you truly find unreal news on this app. TikTok has become a global phenomenon in the past couple years, with thousands of creators. The "For You" page is flooded with never-ending videos that consist of all sorts of content. You are given content of all sorts. There are different events that are held on this platform, including the Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard trial that was live streamed on CBS! There is a never ending surplus of news on TikTok.

5. Apple News

            Apple news is a very easy way to gain information about what is going on in the world today. It shows you different stories from sources such as CBS, CNN, ABC and more. It's very convenient as it comes with your phone and is easy to use. These stories come from all around the world as Sun Sentential is a news source out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Apple News is a great way to stay up to date with recent events!