Thursday, November 3, 2022

Eight Values of Free Expression


        The eight values of expression have made an impact in our daily lives. These values are; Marketplace of Ideas, Participation in Self-Government, Stable Change, Individual Self-Fulfillment, Check on Governmental Power, Promote Tolerance, Promote Innovation, and Protect Dissent. Throughout our everyday lives we are constantly expressing speech in different ways. Wether it's what we say, what we "repost", or even what we wear. Although these values are all different, they all work together to create free speech for each citizen. 

1. Marketplace of Ideas: This concept explains different beliefs and ideas can freely compete with one another in a public conversation without being censored by the government.  This is freedom of expression.

2. Participation in Self-Government: This is a perfect example with political debates. It motivates candidates to communicate. These debates are important for people to see who they are potentially voting for. These debates are filled with heated arguments and in depth questions to the candidates to make sure they are the right fit to lead as President.

3. Stable Change: If society, or a group of people, could speak their mind or vent, would we be a more stable community? Stable Change suggests that if people vent or protest it will be a better outcome than choosing violence. This will also help the government monitor potential groups that would cause harm. 


4. Individual Self-Fulfillment: Self-fulfillment is realizing of one's deepest desires and capacities. This is an ongoing journey for an individual, ultimately hoping  to achieve life goals. Free speech helps create peoples identity in a way, and find more people like them. Freedom of Speech can lead to self-actualization, truly realizing the person you've become. The things you say and do make you who you are, and the people you surround yourself with are pinnacle to your success.

5. Check on Governmental Power: As we learned on the History Channel, the  Legislative branch can check the Judicial branch by impeaching judges and check the Presidential branch by impeaching the President. This could happen when the President or government officials abuse their power. Government agencies such as the FBI and Department of Defense have conducted their own spying on law-abiding Americans. Peaceful groups such as Quakers, Greenpeace, the Arab American Anti-Defamation Committee have been spied on. 

6. Promote Tolerance: Is a more tolerant society a better society? Promoting tolerance is accepting, even if you do not support it or care for it. It has been argued that you may become more tolerant in other aspects of life seeing comments or actions that are unpleasing or vexed. It is fascinating what makes you, YOU. 

7. Promote Innovation: I feel that people can create great things together. You may have great ideas alone, but what about discussing those ideas with one other person and expanding? Maybe hear their ideas? I wish our global leaders could come together and create something great. I understand that that may never happen based on our current situations and our future, but with minds coming together at that stature I feel like it could create opportunities we've never had. Promoting Innovation and Free Speech resonate with me the most. I try to surround myself with like-minded individuals and want to build an empire.

8. Protect Dissent: You have a strong right to disagree with the government, or anyone in fact! The First Amendment protects minority views no matter how unpopular.  You have the ability to disagree with whatever you would like, criticize the government all you'd like. This aligns with free speech and you are entitled to your own opinion. 


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