Thursday, November 10, 2022

Instagram's Impact Throughout The Years


              It did not take long for Instagram to make its mark in social media history. Instagram gained staggering momentum within a few short months. this quickly growing photo and video application only took 8 weeks for software engineers to create an absolute masterpiece that was released in 2010. Although it changed to Instagram in October of 2012, the prototype was first named "Burbn", after Kevin Systroms love for whiskey and bourbons. Not long after the name change Instagram launched on October 6 2012, racking up 25,000 users in one day. This all wouldn't have been possible without two venture capitalists from Andreessen Horowitz and Baseline Ventures. Kevin showed these gentlemen the prototype, which ultimately led to meeting for coffee to discuss further. Systrom quit his job to focus on his idea, eventually gaining 500,000$ in seed funding from both companies. After this huge financial win Kevin added a player to his roster, another Stanford graduate, Mike Krieger. These two researched other apps and their features, wanting Instagram to be easily sharable with filters and other capabilities. They wanted it to be an easy app with as few actions as possible from the user. The combined brainpower between Mike and Kevin was an unstoppable force for the future. The purpose of Instagram was to feature photographs, specifically taken on phones and mobile devices, which made it unique unlike other social platforms.

                Instagram is on track to reach 2.5 billion users by 2025, making an impact around the world. From posting a picture of your dinner using hashtags to creating brands and business to an egg being the most liked video on Instagram, it has truly changed our lives. It most definitely makes an impact on the younger generation, with young adults using social media for an estimated two hours each day.The times of waking up early to see your school cancelled on a snow day are over, and no one saw it coming. Wether it's checking TikTok for the latest weather updates or checking your weather app to see, the era of technology has taken us for a turn. The storm of social media has completely taken over generations of all ages, with most users in the 18-34 range. Instagram has become an easy way to send in job applications and find work in your area. Despite user guidelines, 5% of U.S. children under the age of 11 use Instagram. That is absurd. At 11 I was more worried about where my next chicken finger was coming from. 

                Social media is a powerful tool that can be used for bringing communities together and create change, but does it change your mental health?  In fact, 8 in 10 girls say they compare the way they look to other people on social media, and 50% say that unrealistic filters and beauty content is blemishing their self-esteem. What about the blue check? Once you get the blue verification checkmark on your socials you are confirmed to have authentic presence and a public figure to your audience. This will bring in some audience to follow you on your creative journey.              

You can connect with someone across the world in a matter of seconds. No matter the distance, you are able to connect and reach out to whomever you please. Instagram has opened the gates of success for different brands across the globe. You might see a story ad or even an add in your feed while you scroll. 58% of users say they are more interested in the brand after seeing it in a story. 50% of those users say after they see the add they visit the website and purchase an item. Instagram helps you discover new brands, and create lifelong partnerships with users around the globe. 

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