Sunday, November 13, 2022

What I Learned EOTO



            All technologies from different eras have impacted lives around the world in different ways. In these presentations I learned most about; WorldWideWeb, the Newspaper, Carrier Pigeons, the Typewriter, and E-mail. These new forms of technology and communication have influenced countless communities and families far and wide. 

            Although hearing about the WorldWideWeb for years and having a vague idea of what it is, I was able to gain a little more intel and explanation on what it truly is. I always thought of it as the first "google" and search engine for computers. As well as being the first HTML/WYSIWYG editor it was the first web browser and web page editor. You became able to share data between two computers and enabled a more advanced way of pocket switching. 

            The newspaper was truly one of a kind. It started in Rome on slabs, given to the citizens and people of Rome to learn about news and other events. This idea was also created by the great Roman Julius Caesar. The first one ever created was called the Acta Diurna. Our newspaper today is very similar to the first slab copy in Rome. 


             I find the delivery with carrier pigeons to be such a fascinating operating system. These pigeons were literally trained to deliver mail to different houses and trained to come home. They were selectively bred for their ability to find its way home over extremely long distances. These birds are trained for six months to do their civil duty to society, delivering right to your door! Due to the advancement of several different ways of transportation, the carrier pigeon operating system was terminated.

            The typewriter became the tool for practically all writing other than personal handwritten correspondence. Typewriters are often seen in old shows and movies, but were a pinnacle part of real life at one point. Instead of google docs, or even better, BLOGGER, the typewriter was the way to write. QWERTY was the keyboard design so the typewriter wouldn't jam. Then you notice that QWERTY are all keys next to each other on your computer or device. 

E-Mail was a HUGE invention. Ray Tomlinson, the creator of this product introduced the @ symbol, which allowed messages to be sent to certain users on certain machines. When you @ someone in an email it only goes to that person, or a group of people. The creation of E-Mail is still currently a huge contribution to society and makes an impact each day. 

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